Discover our treatments

Many neurological and psychiatric disorders are caused by impaired brain communication. At BRAI3N, we repair these disturbances via neuromodulation, a scientifically based method that influences nerve cell activity to alleviate symptoms.

Causal and Symptomatic Treatment

What is neuromodulation?

Neuromodulation is a treatment method that affects the functioning of nerve cells in the brain or peripheral nervous system. This can be done in two ways:

Painless, without surgery

1. Non-invasive neuromodulation

Influencing brain activity without surgical intervention. This is done via electrodes on the skin or magnetic stimulation. They can be performed on an outpatient basis, which means you can simply go home after the session.

Requires surgical intervention

2. Invasive neuromodulation

Direct stimulation of the brain or nerves via implanted electrodes. This requires surgical intervention and is only used after thorough evaluation when non-invasive methods have insufficient effect.

Invasieve neuromodulatie

Invasieve neuromodulatie wordt overwogen wanneer niet-invasieve behandelingen onvoldoende effect hebben. Hierbij worden elektroden chirurgisch geïmplanteerd om specifieke hersengebieden of perifere zenuwen te stimuleren.

Diepe Hersenstimulatie (DBS)

Ziekte van Parkinson
Ernstige depressie

Een elektrode wordt in de hersenen geplaatst om specifieke hersengebieden elektrisch te stimuleren.

Perifere Zenuwstimulatie (PNS)

Chronische pijn

Implantatie van een elektrode nabij perifere zenuwen om pijn- of bewegingsklachten te verlichten.


Although neuromodulation is central to our treatment approach, medication can play a supportive role in some cases. Medication influences brain function by regulating the chemical balance in the brain.

Psychotropic drugs

For the treatment of mood disorders, anxiety disorders and psychotic complaints.

Antiepileptic drugs

Sometimes used to lower the excitability of the nervous system, especially for chronic pain or mood disorders.

Pain relievers

To support chronic pain syndromes, often in combination with neuromodulation.

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Are there any side effects or risks?

Transparency is important.
Learn more about possible side effects and when certain treatments are not appropriate.

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What to expect?

Our treatment process is transparent and structured, so you know exactly where you stand. Curious about the different steps? See how our process is structured and how we work together to understand and improve.